
Help your people become even more awesome at their job with our tools for people managers

Use better people data to get your team where they need to be

As a manager, you don't always have an easy way to see all the information you need to be the manager you want to be. With ChartHop, gain access to your employees’ data in one connected platform that allows you to paint a full picture of everyone on your team, make informed headcount and comp decisions, track performance and engagement metrics, and foster relationships with your directs. When you spend less time tracking down compensation history, you get to spend more time helping your team succeed.

Time Off Management

Offer a time off experience employees will actually like. Employees can efficiently request and approve time off. Managers can approve in ChartHop or directly in Slack. View upcoming time off on the ChartHop Calendar, Org Chart, or Profile. Admins can configure custom approval workflows for different time off policies and quickly update balances on an ad hoc basis.

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Guide Managers and Leaders

Create a set of guidelines so leaders can clearly see the impact of compensation changes on their budget pools. Dynamic graphs update so leaders can make informed talent decisions while staying within budget guidelines.

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Empower Managers and Leaders

Empower managers to request org changes on their own. Guided workflows allow them to open a new job, update an existing job, or terminate and create a backfill then send the request for approval. Set up required fields so approvals have all the information they need.

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Allocate Budgets for Planning

Allocate budgets for leaders to use when building out headcount plans. Use Dashboards to understand the impact of changes on the organization.

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Visual Scenario Planning

Easily create and explore potential changes to your organization. Intuitively open new roles or reorganize management structure by simply dragging and dropping on the org chart. Then, switch over to a data sheet or dashboard view to analyze the budget or demographic impact of your proposed changes.

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Continuous Performance Management

Empower managers with continuous performance management tools like 1:1s and goal tracking. Automatically send out forms at the right time. Allow peers to share private feedback or public recognition with shoutouts pushed to Slack.

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Monitor Completion Rates

Monitor every stage of your performance process. View employee participation and compliance at the manager level. Step in to nudge responses with customizable reminder messages.

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Best Practice Templates

Use best-practice templates for effective reviews, including 360, upward, downward, or peer. Quickly set up peer shoutouts, OKR forms, and more. Configure to fit your organization.

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Historical Performance Record

Use employees' profiles as the source of truth for people's current and past performance records. Make historical performance ratings, goals, 1:1 notes, feedback, and recognition accessible to employees and their current managers.

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Performance Data Analysis

Analyze performance data alongside all your people data using dynamic dashboards. Sync data to another system or spreadsheets and put it to use directly with ChartHop's Compensation Reviews or Headcount Planning modules.

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